Monthly Report: December '22


Funding Breakdown to Date

In December, the OGP approved five grants for a total of $501,800 in funding. This brings the total funding approved to ~$2.5M across 48 different projects. 

Even though the number and quality of incoming applications remains high (we received almost 50 applications over the past month), we continue to proactively reach out to candidates to work on high priority items. In fact, four of the five grants we approved in our latest batch are a result of outbound communication. 

You can keep up to date on our incoming applications and funding process with our new Live Grants Dashboard!

Most grantees in the latest batch were either Companies or Validators, so their total share of funding has slightly increased since our previous funding update

The largest approved grant in Batch 9 was our Bulk Audit Purchase with Oak Security, which we've categorized as "Other". We are particularly excited about this contract as it will speed up the audit scheduling process for Osmosis ecosystem Apps, in addition to a discount on typical audit costs. 

Since most grants-funded Apps are close to finishing their contracts, we've been in constant contact with Oak to schedule their audits in advance. 

Infrastructure projects have overtaken Apps in terms of total funding amount, after our most recent batch included two Infrastructure projects:

Funding Apps that deploy on Osmosis remains an important focus. We have some new, exciting projects in the pipeline that we plan to include in future batches. 

Education is still the least funded category to date, though its share of funding has increased after the latest batch of grants, which included the Bankless Promotion. We're always looking to fund new, impactful educational projects, such as interactive CosmWasm tutorials


In addition to the Fee Abstraction and Merch Store RFPs which were highlighted in last month's transparency report, we'd like to prioritize three new RFPs:

  1. Interactive CosmWasm Tutorials

The Osmosis team has built extremely useful CosmWasm tooling, such as Beaker and osmosis-rust. We're looking for someone to create some tutorials that explain how to use these tools properly, to maximize their impact and value. 

  1. UI for Osmosis Outposts

Osmosis is working on deploying outposts on other zones across the Interchain to enable atomic swaps. The Osmosis team is close to completing the contracts for the outposts, so we're looking for applicants to build a UI for the Osmosis outposts, with an initial focus on the swaps interface.

  1. Cosmos Bridge Aggregator Website

To build a bridge aggregator website that will make it easier for users to bridge in and out of the Cosmos ecosystem from other non-IBC compatible chains. The website should also include IBC functionality, so that users can easily bridge between IBC-connected chains as well. 

Grantee Updates


The following project has recently been completed:


In addition to fraud detection, Phillip-sc has added automated proposal summaries and topic categorization to the bot. Commonwealth forum posts are also included when proposal summaries and topics are generated. All of these new features have been implemented using OpenAI's GPT3. You can try out the bot here.

In Progress

Below we share some exciting updates from active grants projects:

Augmentation of Data + Historical Charts

The Map of Zones team has the data ready for most of the new features. They have also completed the page design for the new charts, subject to being implemented by front-end devs sometime over the next week or so. They've been experiencing issues to obtain metrics for 1) number of addresses that hold non-zero balances, and 2) rewards charts, so we've agreed to replace those metrics with 1) number of delegators per zone, and 2) Interchain DAUs, as part of the grant. 

Incentives Optimization - Research

Incentives model v1 is good to go, minus some minor fixes. Hathor Nodes has created multiple optimization modes to allow additional flexibility and extended the process to be compatible with concentrated liquidity. This month he is focusing on writing and documenting the process for the community to view and discuss. Hathor is hoping to integrate stableswap pools as well for v1 instead of v1.1.

Incentives Optimization - Infrastructure

Chaos Labs has completed the two community dashboards, which will be used to share incentives recommendations and monitor APR changes for each liquidity provider ahead of any incentives updates. Additionally, they are continuously iterating with Hathor Nodes on the logic of the recommendations and generating the data and APIs needed for the calculations.


The CronCat team has completed the milestones for their feature-complete alpha version. This means the smart contracts, an off-chain "agent", and a custom indexer for monitoring are all done. They've deployed CronCat to Osmosis, Stargaze, and Juno testnets, and are in the process of setting up RPC and gRPC infrastructure for each zone to ensure maximum uptime. Their new website is currently being battle-tested by the team. They have also allocated significant time building an escrow contract that enables "streaming payments" from one address to another in collaboration with DAO DAO

Custom MEV Module

The Skip team has been submitting upstream PR’s to the Osmosis repo for the past five weeks to have the ProtoRev Module merged in and released in one of the next Osmosis upgrades. There are six total PRs required to complete the module, and they’re currently working through some feedback they received from the Osmosis team.


The development side of the integration with Osmosis is complete. The Laika team is now working on minor bug fixes and improvements before rolling out the integration. The educational videos and tutorials on how to use their tool are also ready. Keep an eye on their Youtube channel as they will be uploaded on there very soon! 

Leap Wallet

The Leap Wallet integration with the Osmosis DEX, which will function as an alternative Osmosis frontend, is almost complete. Currently, the Leap team has an internal build being tested before rolling it out in the next few weeks. At the same time, the team is working on abstracting out and open sourcing the key management parts of their code, and are getting this new repo audited before public release. 


The Phase team has completed the smart contracts for their Dollar-Cost-Averaging application. They decided to remove their dependencies on CronCat and the Apollo Router for the time being to speed up mainnet launch, and plan to add back the dependencies further down the line. The team also recently made their GitHub repo public for those that would like to keep up with their progress. 

Tax Software - Osmosis Implementation

Defiant Labs ran into some trouble finding a full archive node that was sufficient for indexing, so they built their own. They're currently indexing all of Osmosis and fixing bugs for blocks that fail. They also have a nice docker-compose tool that anyone can run to index data, and a local web interface that can be used to query reports for their data.

Zodiac Protocol

The Zodiac team has built and open-sourced the codebase of their Python-based IBC connection set-up, which will be used by Zodiac for Osmosis <> Terra governance over IBC. The completion of their governance contracts has been delayed to mid-January as the IBC set-up took longer than anticipated. The team has also gathered all entity-related documentation and is iterating with lawyers on form completion for their legal entity set-up. 

While grantees in the latest batch have already started working on their projects, they were approved for funding less than two weeks ago, so we'll share more updates on these projects in our next monthly update.


Map of Full Nodes Around the World

While the Map of Full Nodes dashboard has been completed by High Stakes Switzerland, the team has struggled to reliably link node IDs to their respective validators, which has not allowed them to complete the analytics portion of their grant. The team will keep working on the grant in their spare time, but has asked us to consider the project canceled until they figure out a solution to gather the relevant data. High Stakes Switzerland has only received their initial payment of $10k in OSMO so far, and will not receive any additional payments.

Communication & Transparency Updates

Over the past month, we have:

  • Invited two of our Grantees on UTFL (Chaos Labs and Laika) to chat about their projects and answer questions from the community.
  • Held our second Office Hours on Discord to share an update on the OGP and answer any questions.
  • Added the Live Grants Dashboard to our website, which gives insight into our applications and funding process.
  • Successfully completed the multi-sig transition on both Osmosis and Ethereum.

We will continue to hold Updates from Grantees and Discord Office Hours on a monthly basis. 

Current State of the OGP 

While there have been no changes to the current state of the OGP since our previous funding update, we are currently working on a new batch of payments that will include any outstanding payments to grantees. We'll share more details in our next transparency report.

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