Expense Report

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Frequently Asked

What is the Osmosis Grants Program?

The Osmosis Grants Program (OGP) was created to award $5k-$500k of funding to Osmosis community members for the completion of value-add tasks which may be too small to be funded through a governance proposal.

We believe the community needs to start spending the Community Pool’s funds aggressively to encourage experimentation and innovation, grow the ecosystem, and onboard full-time contributors that could increase the value of the protocol by hundreds of millions of dollars.

A grants program is an efficient, low cost way to do this – by empowering community participants and supporting teams building applications which leverage the Osmosis stack.

How will I be compensated?

The Program Lead will work with you to establish possible milestones that could help split up the compensation so as to allow payment whenever a milestone is hit. If no milestones can be determined, the Grant will be paid a portion upfront to cover initial costs and the remaining total once the grant is successfully completed.

All payments will be made in OSMO or USDC.

If you would like to get paid in OSMO and are asking for a fixed dollar amount of compensation, the number of OSMO you will receive will be determined by the price of OSMO at the time of payment.

Can I apply as a U.S. based person/company?


Please note that all applicants who are located in the United States will receive payments in USDC instead of OSMO (due to legal concerns).

What type of project will qualify for a grant?

Anything that benefits Osmosis’ product and/or its community!

There are numerous functions that can be funded through grants, such as analytics, tooling, infrastructure, growth and many more. Furthermore, the OGP will also fund ecosystem projects that are complementary to the core product of Osmosis, such as DeFi apps leveraging Osmosis’ AMMs and Osmosis-themed gaming/NFT projects. Check out the Request for Proposals list for inspiration!

We are hoping to fund a wide range of grants, from simple projects to more elaborate and longer-term projects. The funding amount will vary to reflect the complexity.

How does the OGP handle conflicts of interest?

The Osmosis Grants Program (“OGP”) is a subDAO whose mandate is to allocate funding towards community members and contributors. The OGP consists of a Grants Lead and a multi-sig committee made up of individual community members, validators, investors, and founders.

Participants within the OGP are expected to disclose all conflicts of interests they have.

— Specifically, conflicts should be transparently disclosed to other members of the OGP and disclosed in funding batch announcements.
— If a multi-sig signer has a conflict, they should notify the OGP and abstain from participating in the grant approval process. If signers are conflicted, the majority vote will determine the outcome of the grant (e.g. if only 5 of 7 signers participate due to a conflict, 3 signers constitute the majority).
— If the OGP Grants Lead has a conflict, they should notify the multi-sig signers, reassign the funding decision to a different OGP member, and abstain from participating in the approval process for the applicable grant.
— All funding recommendations should be handled by a non-conflicted member of the OGP.

The OGP has historically conducted itself in this manner. This policy lays it out formally for all current and future OGP contributors.