Batch 18: Approved Grants


We're excited to announce the approval of Batch 18 of grants! This batch includes three grants for a total of $125k in funding. You can learn more about each grant below, including specific project and funding details.

While Osmosis and other Cosmos chains make a variety of decisions via governance, the Cosmos SDK governance framework has remained limited in terms of the flexibility and proposal types that it can offer. Having the ability to customize proposals more granularly and make governance more expressive will be extremely important to reduce governance overhead and improve decision-making, especially with the imminent launch of interchain initiatives such as Mesh Security. After putting out an RFP a few months ago to add new functionality to Cosmos SDK governance module, we're happy to share that we'll be working with Binary Builders to develop optimistic proposals and multiple-choice proposals.

Speaking of the Mesh Security initiative, which has made incredible progress over the past few months as Confio and the rest of the Mesh Security working group are close to launching V1 (uni-directional Mesh) and testing it with low-cap chains as consumers and larger chains like Osmosis as providers, we've decided to fund Starship to build a tighter integration with Mesh Security. This will significantly streamline the development and testing process by allowing anyone to experiment with a simulated Mesh environment effortlessly, with just a few clicks, among other improvements.

Last but not least, after completing their work on Token Info Pages which will be pushed into production soon, the Nabla team will be working on developing an Earn Page for the main Osmosis front-end. This page will provide a consolidated view of the assets a user holds as well as potential earning opportunities in an easy to digest, enticing experience, giving users clear and compelling paths to discover earning strategies that extend beyond Osmosis.

Governance Module Improvements

Funding Amount

$55,000 (in OSMO)


Binary Builders


$5,000 (in OSMO)

Milestone 2

$17,500 (in OSMO)

Milestone 3

$17,500 (in OSMO)

Milestone 4

$10,000 (in OSMO)


$5,000 (in OSMO)

To add optimistic and multiple-choice proposals to the Cosmos SDK governance module and include them in the next major release of the Cosmos SDK. Optimistic proposals are a proposal type that automatically passes unless vetoed by a specific threshold of voters. Multiple-choice proposals are a proposal type that instead of the usual yes/no answers can contain multiple answers. Milestone 1 = create ADR with final optimistic and multiple-choice proposal specs; Milestone 2 = development, review, and testing of optimistic proposals; Milestone 3 = development, review, and testing of multiple-choice proposals; Milestone 4 = once the features are developed, the SDK team will cherry-pick the exact features to the v0.50 SDK fork maintained by Osmosis so that Osmosis can support the new proposal types before the next major Cosmos SDK release; Milestone 5 = once frontend clients (Keplr, Mintscan) have integrated the new proposal types into their frontends.

While the scope of governance for Cosmos chains is far greater than that of smart contract applications in other ecosystems, the Cosmos SDK governance framework has fallen behind other ecosystems in terms of the amount of flexibility and proposal types that it can offer. Optimistic and multiple-choice proposals would greatly benefit Osmosis and other Cosmos chains by making governance more expressive and efficient. Binary Builders is the core maintainer and stewarding team of the Cosmos SDK.

Starship Improvements

Funding Amount

$50,000 (in OSMO)




Milestone 1

$10,000 (in OSMO)

Milestone 2

$20,000 (in OSMO)

Milestone 3

$15,000 (in OSMO)


$5,000 (in OSMO)

To enhance Starship's integration with Mesh Security by adding native support for Mesh in the configuration, as well as a robust testing framework that accelerates the onboarding of new chains/projects into the Mesh ecosystem. Milestone 1 = native support for mesh-security in the configuration; Milestone 2 = development devnet for the Mesh Security working group; Milestone 3 = large-scale scenario testing and fuzz testing framework; Milestone 4 = ongoing maintenance and updates to the devnet cluster including support for ongoing changes to the mesh contracts and SDK until the mainnet launch of Mesh Security.

By further streamlining the infrastructure setup process and providing a valuable sandbox for developers to test and explore Mesh Security configurations and interactions, Starship will significantly reduce the time and effort required for manual configuration and empower anyone to set up and experiment with a simulated Mesh environment effortlessly, with just a few clicks. This cost-effective solution ensures that developers can focus more on building and testing their applications rather than dealing with complex infrastructure setup. With this tighter integration, Starship's framework will also enable new chains to seamlessly integrate and participate in the Mesh network, serving as a blueprint for future chains looking to become part of the Mesh ecosystem. Cosmology's Starship is a unified development environment that allows Cosmos developers to spin up a fully simulated mini-cosmos ecosystem and write end-to-end test cases.

Earn Page

Funding Amount

$20,000 (in OSMO)





$20,000 (in OSMO)

To add an Earn Page to the main Osmosis front-end. This page will frame both the assets a user holds and the potential earning options in an easy to digest, enticing experience, giving users clear and compelling paths to discover earning strategies that extend beyond Osmosis.

There are numerous, excellent third party apps that provide earning strategies. The Earn Page will give users clear paths to not just acquire, but also earn more on assets of interest by harnessing the Osmosis front-end to make this connection more accessible. Nabla is a company dedicated to helping companies in web3 build useful customer experience tools, with a focus on the Cosmos ecosystem.