RFP: Governance Module Improvements


RFP alert! The OGP is looking to accelerate a number of improvements to the Cosmos SDK governance module. Over the next few weeks, we hope to find one or more teams with Cosmos SDK development experience to build out a few critical features. 


The scope of governance for Cosmos chains is far greater than that of smart contract applications in other ecosystems. Cosmos communities vote on decisions that range anywhere from shared security agreements to low level chain upgrades or smart contract deployments to front-end code decisions. That said, the Cosmos SDK governance framework has fallen behind other ecosystems in terms of the amount of flexibility and proposal types that it can offer. Considering the spectrum of decisions under the scope of governance, Cosmos chains would greatly benefit from the ability to customize proposal parameters and voting structures to align with the nature of any given decision. This RFP aims to address this need, starting with a few improvements that should make a very positive impact. 

RFP Details and Requirements

While we are open to suggestions, our initial focus will be on finding teams that can develop the following additions to Cosmos SDK module:

Optimistic Proposals 
  • Under Optimistic Voting, proposals pass by default after the predetermined voting period unless vetoed above a given threshold by token holders (both the voting period and veto threshold will be predetermined by token holders). If the "veto threshold" is met, the vote is rejected and moves to the Standard Proposal voting process. If the "veto threshold" is not met, the proposal passes and can be enacted by a pre-authorized entity. 
  • This structure allows the DAO to delegate certain responsibilities and powers to subject-matter experts who can move more efficiently on proposals that are deemed routine and frequent in nature.
Multi-choice Proposals
  • This proposal type would allow for voters to select from multiple options instead of the current limitation of binary proposals.  
Batched Proposals
  • This proposal type would allow Cosmos communities to batch multiple decisions under one binary proposal for greater efficiency. 
Requirements: flexibility to set the following parameters
  • Proposal Threshold
  • Quorum Threshold
  • Veto threshold (Optimistic Proposals) 
  • Vote Differential / Passing Threshold
  • Voting Duration 
  • Timelock Delay

If you are a team with experience in Cosmos SDK development and share our interest in improving this critical area of infrastructure, we encourage you to reach out on Twitter or submit an application on the OGP Website.

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