Frontend for Osmosis Outposts
in progress

To build a highly customizable frontend reference implementation for the UI of the Osmosis Outposts. Milestone 1 = delivery of the Figma design files for Outpost UI. Milestone 2 = completion of the open-source customizable UI component library, including ReactJS and VueJS wrappers of the components with relevant implementation documentation and examples. These must also be compatible with Cosmology's toolkits and API, and use the Cosmos Kit wallet adapter. Milestone 3 = after six months of maintenance of the open-source component library, and collaboration with the Osmosis team for the Outpost UI implementations. Milestone 4 = after one year of maintenance of the open-source component library, and collaboration with the Osmosis team for the Outpost UI implementations.


The aim of this project is to make it easy for Outpost chains to create their own personalized Outpost frontends using Nabla's components and templates. Osmosis Outposts will make it much simpler to perform swaps on different Cosmos chains, without having to manually IBC over to Osmosis to trade. It's important for the UI of these Outposts to be simple, intuitive, and highly customizable for each outpost chain. Nabla is a new company dedicated to help companies in web3 build useful customer experience tools, with a focus on the Cosmos ecosystem. Having built the Sinfonia UI, the team already has experience building alternative frontends for Osmosis.

Funding Amount

$30,000 (in OSMO)

Payment Structuree

17% for Milestone 1 / 33% for Milestone 2 / 25% for Milestone 3 / 25% for Milestone 4


3 months

